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Presentaties food microstructure

Een overzicht van presentaties in het gebied van voedingsmiddelen research in de periode van 1985-1998. De lezingen werden gehouden op jaarlijkse congressen over voedingsmiddelen- structuur, bij bezoeken aan Amerikaanse/ Canadese Universiteiten en laboratoria en op Europese congressen. Volledigheidshalve zijn ook opgenomen enkele bezoeken aan Universiteiten in de USA.

Lijst van externe presentaties over onderzoek aan voedingsmiddelen in de periode van 1985-1998
• Food structure meeting 1985 Las Vegas: Structure formation in acid-milk gels
• Seminar Kraft laboratory 1985 Glenview Ill. : Aspects of structure formation in milk proteins and bread
• Seminar at University of Minnesota 1985 St. Paul: Various aspects of structure formation of proteins
• Visit University of Guelph 1985
• Seminar at Food research institute Agriculture 1985 Ottawa: Microstructural studies in protein research
• Visit Army research and development centre 1985 Natick
• Food structure meeting New Orleans 1986: Observations on the microstructure and rheology of Ovalbumin gels
• Seminar USDA, Eastern regional research center 1986 Philadelphia: Microstructural studies in emulsion- and protein research
• Visit Penn. State Univ. 1986
• Seminar at Cornell Univ. 1986 Ithaca NY: Microstuctural studies in emulsion – and protein research
• Seminar at USDA Eastern regional research centre 1986 Philadelphia: Microstuctural studies in emulsion – and protein research
• Food structure meeting 1987 Hamilton Ontario: Product structure of fatty products
• Food structure meeting 1987 Hamilton Ontario: Confocal scanning laser microscopy in food research
• Visit Grain marketing research laboratory Manhattan1987
• Visit USDA Northern regional research center Peoria 1987
• Visit University of Guelph 1987
• Food structure meeting 1988 Reading UK: The effect of processing on some microstructural characteristics of fat spreads
• Seminar at Univ. of California (Davis) 1989: Microstructure of foods
• Seminar at USDA Western regional research center 1989 Albany : Microstructure of foods.
• Seminar at Ohio State Univ. 1989 Columbus Ohio: Microstructure in food research
• Food structure meeting 1990 Bethesda MD: Application of Confocal microscopy to food research
• Food structure meeting 1990 Bethesda MD: Microstructural studies in fat research
• Seminar at Univ. of Rhode Island 1990 Kingston: Microstructural studies in protein and fat research at the Unilever research lab.
• Visit University of Massachusetts 1990
• Visit University of Clemson 1990
• Food structure meeting 1991 Bethesda MD: Observations of emulsifiers at the interface between oil and water by Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy
• 8th World congr. Food science and technology 1991 Toronto: Microstuctural studies in fat research
• Food structure meeting 1992 Chicago : Structure and function of food products
• Seminar Kraft General Foods 1992 Glenview: Microstructural studies in fat research
• Food structure meeting 1993 Los Angeles CA: Measurement of shape and size of fat crystals by electron microscopy
• Seminar at Univ. of California (Davis) 1993: Structure-function relationships in food systems
• Symposium on characterization of complex food systems 1994, Leeds UK: Advances in Electron Microscopy
• Seminar at Univ. of Guelph 1994: Microstructural studies of food at Unilever research laboratories
• Food structure meeting 1994 Toronto: Liquid crystalline phases in the structuring of food products
• Seminar at Centre for food and animal research 1994 Ottawa: The interplay between proteins, carbohydrates, fats and surfactants in food products
• Visit USDA Peoria 1994
• Conference: structure and functionality of food products 1998 Mragowa Poland. Plenary lecture: Fat crystals, emulsifiers and liquid crystals, from structure to functionality
• Conference: Society of Chemical Industries on Emulsifiers, functionality and applications 1998 London. Lecture: Competitive adsorption at liquid interfaces

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