Presentaties food microstructure
Posted by isaac on June 15 2024 11:08:09
Lijst van externe presentaties over onderzoek aan voedingsmiddelen in de periode van 1985-1998
• Food structure meeting 1985 Las Vegas: Structure formation in acid-milk gels
• Seminar Kraft laboratory 1985 Glenview Ill. : Aspects of structure formation in milk proteins and bread
• Seminar at University of Minnesota 1985 St. Paul: Various aspects of structure formation of proteins
• Visit University of Guelph 1985
• Seminar at Food research institute Agriculture 1985 Ottawa: Microstructural studies in protein research
• Visit Army research and development centre 1985 Natick
• Food structure meeting New Orleans 1986: Observations on the microstructure and rheology of Ovalbumin gels
• Seminar USDA, Eastern regional research center 1986 Philadelphia: Microstructural studies in emulsion- and protein research
• Visit Penn. State Univ. 1986
• Seminar at Cornell Univ. 1986 Ithaca NY: Microstuctural studies in emulsion – and protein research
• Seminar at USDA Eastern regional research centre 1986 Philadelphia: Microstuctural studies in emulsion – and protein research
• Food structure meeting 1987 Hamilton Ontario: Product structure of fatty products
• Food structure meeting 1987 Hamilton Ontario: Confocal scanning laser microscopy in food research
• Visit Grain marketing research laboratory Manhattan1987
• Visit USDA Northern regional research center Peoria 1987
• Visit University of Guelph 1987
• Food structure meeting 1988 Reading UK: The effect of processing on some microstructural characteristics of fat spreads
• Seminar at Univ. of California (Davis) 1989: Microstructure of foods
• Seminar at USDA Western regional research center 1989 Albany : Microstructure of foods.
• Seminar at Ohio State Univ. 1989 Columbus Ohio: Microstructure in food research
• Food structure meeting 1990 Bethesda MD: Application of Confocal microscopy to food research
• Food structure meeting 1990 Bethesda MD: Microstructural studies in fat research
• Seminar at Univ. of Rhode Island 1990 Kingston: Microstructural studies in protein and fat research at the Unilever research lab.
• Visit University of Massachusetts 1990
• Visit University of Clemson 1990
• Food structure meeting 1991 Bethesda MD: Observations of emulsifiers at the interface between oil and water by Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy
• 8th World congr. Food science and technology 1991 Toronto: Microstuctural studies in fat research
• Food structure meeting 1992 Chicago : Structure and function of food products
• Seminar Kraft General Foods 1992 Glenview: Microstructural studies in fat research
• Food structure meeting 1993 Los Angeles CA: Measurement of shape and size of fat crystals by electron microscopy
• Seminar at Univ. of California (Davis) 1993: Structure-function relationships in food systems
• Symposium on characterization of complex food systems 1994, Leeds UK: Advances in Electron Microscopy
• Seminar at Univ. of Guelph 1994: Microstructural studies of food at Unilever research laboratories
• Food structure meeting 1994 Toronto: Liquid crystalline phases in the structuring of food products
• Seminar at Centre for food and animal research 1994 Ottawa: The interplay between proteins, carbohydrates, fats and surfactants in food products
• Visit USDA Peoria 1994
• Conference: structure and functionality of food products 1998 Mragowa Poland. Plenary lecture: Fat crystals, emulsifiers and liquid crystals, from structure to functionality
• Conference: Society of Chemical Industries on Emulsifiers, functionality and applications 1998 London. Lecture: Competitive adsorption at liquid interfaces